University of Nottingham

Funding Opportunities - The calls for the 2018 funds are now closed

CLOSED - Education Partnership Fund 2018

The Education Partnership Fund is designed to support collaborative projects that investigate challenges faced by both universities, and lead to the development of innovative, evidence-based practices that support student learning.

A second round of funding is now open. Bids are invited that address the challenges we face in delivering inclusive education and closing undergraduate attainment gaps.

We are seeking to fund projects that address one or both of the following questions: 

  • What should ‘inclusive education’ in a contemporary research-intensive university look like and what are the implications?
  • How can we explain and address UG attainment gaps?

Key dates and important information

Call: 31 January 2018

Deadline for Expressions of Interest: 6 April 2018

Deadline for detailed project plans: 29 May 2018

Decision: 29 June 2018


Guidance notes for applicants

More Information 



CLOSED - Strategic Collaboration Fund 2018

The Strategic Collaboration Fund is designed to support collaborative ventures between the two universities.

It is open to staff wishing to conduct collaborative research and professional service projects.

Over £850k has so far been distributed to 60 projects. Case studies are available of some of the research projects and professional services projects.

The fund is comprised of two streams:

  • Creativity (for initial engagements)

  • Accelerator (for forging substantive activities)

Key dates and important information

Call: 31 January 2018

Deadline for applications: 6 April 2018

Peer reviews: April and May 2018

Decision: 29 June 2018

Guidance notes for applicants (pdf)More Information



CLOSED - Birmingham/Nottingham/FAPESP Call for Research Proposals 

The call between the Universities of Birmingham and Nottingham with the São Paulo Research Foundation, Brazil is now closed. For more information please contact Richard Brunt, Birmingham or Maeve Fitzpatrick, Nottingham.


In Partnership: The Universities of Birmingham and Nottingham

University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Telephone: +44 (0)121 414 3974

The University of Nottingham
University Park,

Telephone: +44 (0)115 846 7554