Appointment of Prof Meritxell Canals and Dr Laura Kilpatrick as Director and Deputy Director of COMPARE Nottingham.

 Following 5 years of strong leadership as Director of COMPARE Nottingham, Prof Jeanette Woolard has been appointed as APVC for the Researcher Academy and Research Culture Development at the University of Nottingham. Congratulations Jeanette!

From September 2024, Prof Meritxell Canals and Dr Laura Kilpatrick will be Director and Deputy Director of COMPARE Nottingham, respectively. Prof Canals has been involved in the leadership of COMPARE as a deputy director working closely with Prof Woolard in the last 5 years. Dr Kilpatrick has been involved in several initiatives of the centre and contributed to the organisation of multiple COMPARE seminars and symposiums. Both are very excited to work together and looking at innovative strategies to develop the centre and continue to project its research and ethos internally and externally.  

Posted on Wednesday 26th June 2024