Through harnessing our combined expertise in teaching and learning, we have brought benefit to our students with new ideas and best practices.
We have a unique opportunity to help shape national policy by providing a robust evidence base and piloting new initiatives across both universities.
Education case studies
Together we can build the scale and capacity needed to address some of society’s grand challenges.
By bringing together novel combinations of expertise we have unlocked funding for high-impact research that would not be open to each institution individually.
Research case studies
Our combined size, reputation, and expertise has made our partnership particularly attractive to international collaborators.
We have made a significant investment in Brazil and have established an enviable reputation that has unlocked many opportunities.
International case studies
Professional Services
Our professional services staff work across the breadth of our universities and bring a variety of skills and experiences.
Through working together we have been able to learn from each other and share best practice.
Professional Services case studies